Generating good leads take time and effort. Have your ever had a client that you have been working hard for just to find out in the end that they can not qualify for a mortgage. Don’t let all your hard work go out the window and a disappointed client out the door. Let us be your alternate lending solution.
- Close on Deal– collect commission on closing the listing deal
- Lead Retention – Retain potential leads who may not qualify for a mortgage at current state.
- Expand your marketing, lead generation and referral base – Allow us to become another tool in your tool kit. A mutual long term relationship, whether it be referrals or lead generations from you or from us, we can share the work and help close the deal.
- Triple WIN Solution – Join us on a triple win deal, ultimately helping a family into their own home!
The Process To Success
Set up a listing search with the Tenant Buyer- devise a listing that matches the criteria of the Tenant Buyer’s qualified ideal property
show listings to the TB- physically visit/ look at a maximum of 12 properties within the calendar months ( an average of 1 viewing per week)
Contact Us
If you are interested in working with us or want more information. Please fill out and submit the contact form below: